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A continuación, encontrará información y recursos relacionados con la salud mental y otros servicios que pueden ayudarlo en su momento de necesidad.

Marble Surface

Guía de recursos de salud mental del condado de Washington

Esta guía contiene recursos esenciales de atención de salud mental para quienes viven en el condado de Washington, IA, incluidos servicios de crisis, proveedores de atención de salud mental, servicios de drogas y alcohol y prevención de la violencia.



La Alianza Nacional sobre Enfermedades Mentales de Iowa ofrece un servicio gratuito de referencia de recursos de salud mental para todos los habitantes de Iowa. Se pueden encontrar recursos siguiendo el enlace anterior o llamando al (515) 254-0417 o al 1-800-950-6264. Las líneas telefónicas están abiertas de lunes a viernes de 8:30 a 4:30.

Meditation & Mindfulness

​Meditation is like giving your mind a break to relax and recharge, while mindfulness is about paying attention to the present moment without judgment - helping you feel calmer and more focused in everyday life. â€‹


Community & Family Resources (formerly Prelude) has adult residential treatment, detox/sobering, outpatient & prevention services locally in Iowa City & Washington. In addition to treating addictions to substances, CFR also addresses problem gambling.


Al-Anon/Alateen Iowa
Al-Anon has but one purpose: to help families of alcoholics. We do this by practicing the Twelve Steps, by welcoming and giving comfort to families of alcoholics, and by giving understanding and encouragement to the alcoholic.

Recursos 211 de Iowa/Nebraska


Iowa/Nebraska 211 es un recurso que ofrece asistencia para conectarlo con cualquier ayuda que pueda necesitar, incluidos alimentos, ropa, recursos de refugio, salud física y mental, apoyo laboral, apoyo para estadounidenses mayores y personas con discapacidades, y apoyo para niños, jóvenes. y familias.


This practice promotes mental health by reducing stress, increasing mindfulness and improving mood and overall wellness by boosting strength and balance.

Sitting on a Bench

Iowa Legal Aid

Iowa Legal Aid is a nonprofit organization providing critical legal assistance to low-income and vulnerable Iowans who have nowhere else to turn.

Along with volunteer lawyers throughout the state, Iowa Legal Aid helps the legal system work for those who cannot afford help with legal issues.


Quitting Tobacco, Nicotine & Vaping

My Life, My Quit™ is the free and confidential way to quit smoking or vaping. Text "Start My Quit" to 36072 or click to chat with a Coach. We are here for you every step of the way. It's YOUR LIFE and we're here to help you live it YOUR WAY.

United Way of Johnson & Washington Counties

United Way of Johnson & Washington Counties unites in purpose to improve lives by mobilizing the caring power of our community. UWJWC is the safety net for our service providing agencies and responds when disaster strikes our most vulnerable populations.

Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Crisis Services

DVIP & RVAP provides services to victims of domestic and sexual abuse. Serving Cedar, Des Moines, Henry, Iowa, Johnson, Lee, Van Buren & Washington counties. All services free and confidential.


Alcoholics Anonymous 

AA is a fellowship of people who come together to solve their drinking problem.  It doesn’t cost anything and there are no age or education requirements to participate. Membership is open to anyone who wants to do something about their drinking problem. A.A.’s primary purpose is to help alcoholics to achieve sobriety.

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